Thursday, June 28, 2012


Matter has many definitions, especially now that time has and is always progressing. With that being said the first definition has been changing and is evolving due to the many discoveries. And even to this day the new discoveries are changing the definition of "matter". People are understanding more and more due to discoveries being made and that in turn makes the definition more complicated. The people out there that still associate religion and science as two seperate entities are grasping the old, simple definition of the word "matter". If you look at how complicated the definition of "matter" is then imagine how complicated the conflict of religion and science are to be resloved. If people allow their minds to open to the complex definition of "matter" itself and not hold on to the simplistic definitionthen they can understand the complexity behind religion and science. If you understand that religion and science are very complex then you will come to see that they have alot in common.

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