Friday, June 29, 2012


To me this means that basically we are alone to make moral decisions and judgements. That we accept full responsibility for your actions. And with those decisions and judgements we determine our course for our own life. I completely believe this is true, only we suffer for making bad decisions in life. We have prisons to prove that our bad decisions have serious concequences. It made me think about how when I was growing up I had a really good friend named Jesabel, our lives took us 2 completely different paths and thats because of all the decisions we made thus far. I would say at this time we are both doing rather good in life but we took two seperate paths to get there and bad decisions held us back at different times while good decisions progressed on our life paths.

Existance basically means how we as people interact with the world.Not only interact but we as individuals are completely responsible for the direction our life takes. Like the example I gave with a childhood friend, she bought her first home and has a degree with steady income and my bad dicision making led me to fall behind and achive my degree later down the road. The important thing for me is that I am making better decisions and am completely responsible for the direction my life is goin in.

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