Friday, June 29, 2012

Myth of Eternal Recurrence

Imagine living the same exact life that you are living now over and over and over, doing the same things over and over. Saying the same things over and over. And the worst part about it is making the same bad decisions and judgements over and over again! I couldnt imagine living the same life over and knowingly making the same bad decisions over again, thats like pressing the rewind button and not being able to change the past if you were allow to live it over. There are many things in my past that I would change to improve the life path which I am traveling.

Not only living the same life over once but numerous times would be dreading.Nothing new, just the same old stuff. Waking up at the same times, not learning behond what you know now, thats a cranial limit right there!! hehe. I myself would not be happy with living the life I have lived thus far over and over again, I want to improve my life and I think everyone else would want to do the same. Its like knowing your future but not being able to change the wrongs, just accepting them.

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