Thursday, June 28, 2012


Chand was fighting in the war in Hamadan when he experienced a religious vision. A holy man appeared as a form infront of Faqir and gave him advice by telling him not to waste the ammunition that was grately needed. He in turn was worshiped himself by the people when he returned to Baghdad. I have never experienced seeing a vision or having known someone who experienced this but I find it to be very interesting. I wouldnt even fathom a vision of someone coming to give me advice and lead me in a certain direction, or if I would even use the advice given after recieving such a vision. I remember hearing in the video that at the very end he did not recal the event that happened and didnt understand why the people of Baghdad were worshiping him in any way. And honestly I dont know that if I were given advice to this extreme I would follow it because therr were alot of soldiers lives on the line and if the advice I was given or the vision I seen was just a mere halucination and ended up being tragic advice it would fall back on me. It is hard to believe that such a vision was seen by Chand until you realize how many lives he saved that very day. If the ammunition ran out they would have little chance to survive. And the holy mans advice was given for that very purpose, so Chand can save lives by being a messanger of some sort. It was a very interesting story.

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