Friday, June 29, 2012

RE: Friendship

I completely agree, arguing with my elders did not happen in my household when I was growing up. Elders are known to be wiser and to have lived on this earth longer which means that in turn we can learn something from our elders. Things we go through they might have already gone through and their advice can lead us in better dicision making. Even though growing upouts hard to understand this concept and most young teens or adults think they know everything but are far from knowing everything. Even if you don't agree like you said there should always be the respect to nod and listen.
True friendship is very hard to get rid of once you have a true friend in someone. To me a true friendship blossoms into a family member. It's someone that is always there to give you advice and help you make decisions in life even if some are not so good hehe. I'm lucky to have the friendships that I have and agree totally with you on them being very few.

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