Friday, June 29, 2012

RE: Friendship

I completely agree, arguing with my elders did not happen in my household when I was growing up. Elders are known to be wiser and to have lived on this earth longer which means that in turn we can learn something from our elders. Things we go through they might have already gone through and their advice can lead us in better dicision making. Even though growing upouts hard to understand this concept and most young teens or adults think they know everything but are far from knowing everything. Even if you don't agree like you said there should always be the respect to nod and listen.
True friendship is very hard to get rid of once you have a true friend in someone. To me a true friendship blossoms into a family member. It's someone that is always there to give you advice and help you make decisions in life even if some are not so good hehe. I'm lucky to have the friendships that I have and agree totally with you on them being very few.

Myth of Eternal Recurrence

Imagine living the same exact life that you are living now over and over and over, doing the same things over and over. Saying the same things over and over. And the worst part about it is making the same bad decisions and judgements over and over again! I couldnt imagine living the same life over and knowingly making the same bad decisions over again, thats like pressing the rewind button and not being able to change the past if you were allow to live it over. There are many things in my past that I would change to improve the life path which I am traveling.

Not only living the same life over once but numerous times would be dreading.Nothing new, just the same old stuff. Waking up at the same times, not learning behond what you know now, thats a cranial limit right there!! hehe. I myself would not be happy with living the life I have lived thus far over and over again, I want to improve my life and I think everyone else would want to do the same. Its like knowing your future but not being able to change the wrongs, just accepting them.


To me this means that basically we are alone to make moral decisions and judgements. That we accept full responsibility for your actions. And with those decisions and judgements we determine our course for our own life. I completely believe this is true, only we suffer for making bad decisions in life. We have prisons to prove that our bad decisions have serious concequences. It made me think about how when I was growing up I had a really good friend named Jesabel, our lives took us 2 completely different paths and thats because of all the decisions we made thus far. I would say at this time we are both doing rather good in life but we took two seperate paths to get there and bad decisions held us back at different times while good decisions progressed on our life paths.

Existance basically means how we as people interact with the world.Not only interact but we as individuals are completely responsible for the direction our life takes. Like the example I gave with a childhood friend, she bought her first home and has a degree with steady income and my bad dicision making led me to fall behind and achive my degree later down the road. The important thing for me is that I am making better decisions and am completely responsible for the direction my life is goin in.

The Limits of science

The cranial limit was one thing that I was interested in, there is actualy no cranial limit but it makes me think if there was one would we be able to pass that limit. We have so many limits, like the limit of light that einstein explains about how we can only see so far with our telescopes. We have many limits in science but they say that the limits of our scull are the limits of our understanding, what if we had no limit to understanding? what if we had no limits to memory? I know forsure their are limits to these things because I myself can not remember what I did before a certain age and my understanding at younger ages was very limited too. I honestly believe that it is time that expands your understanding, time that expands our cranial limits. We have made so many new discoveries with time and we will make so many more new discoveries in time. I believe there is no cranial limit, or the case could be that we make our own cranial limits by our understanding. These limits will be incresed in time, just like many years ago when we had no information on planets and the moon, look at us now, we have landed on the moon itself. The limits of science are just what we know now, but people 100 years from now will know so much more and have a far greater limit.

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Chand was fighting in the war in Hamadan when he experienced a religious vision. A holy man appeared as a form infront of Faqir and gave him advice by telling him not to waste the ammunition that was grately needed. He in turn was worshiped himself by the people when he returned to Baghdad. I have never experienced seeing a vision or having known someone who experienced this but I find it to be very interesting. I wouldnt even fathom a vision of someone coming to give me advice and lead me in a certain direction, or if I would even use the advice given after recieving such a vision. I remember hearing in the video that at the very end he did not recal the event that happened and didnt understand why the people of Baghdad were worshiping him in any way. And honestly I dont know that if I were given advice to this extreme I would follow it because therr were alot of soldiers lives on the line and if the advice I was given or the vision I seen was just a mere halucination and ended up being tragic advice it would fall back on me. It is hard to believe that such a vision was seen by Chand until you realize how many lives he saved that very day. If the ammunition ran out they would have little chance to survive. And the holy mans advice was given for that very purpose, so Chand can save lives by being a messanger of some sort. It was a very interesting story.


From the reading I learned that Albert Einstein believed the following about quantum theory. It was an intermediate theory, it was incomplete and it contained "spooky actions at a distance". Albert Einstein released groundbreaking papers on quantum theory back in 1905. The definition for quantum theory is "A theory of matter and energy based on the concept of quanta. Quanta is a mathematical equation involving a figure to represent individual units of energy.There was a site I found on Quantum Theory that was very informal and helpful which I will post and another site that was an actual definition that was very thorough was

Flip Video #4

Soley relying on our current knowledge and resources such as maps we know where we stand, but like I say its based on our current knowledge of our surroundings. Its all about peoples perspectives on their "where abouts". I believe every one goes off their own perspectives and "where abouts". And every street and city is based on names we as people have created. We in so many words created our surroundings and go off of that perspective.

Flip video #3

Since we dont know what our cranial limits are then how is it possible to exceed it? Maybe if we knew what our cranial limits were we could try to exceed these limits but it would be a very difficult thing to accomplish seeing that not only has it never been done but we dont even know the first step to find out our cranial limit. Ofcourse our people have made many discoveries and developments that were before impossible and unherd of, and our future holds many more developments and discoveries but it all takes time. Just like we had no idea about the moon and planets but now have so many discoveries and developments regaurding them. Our people have come a long way and in time will exceed what we know now.


The Chandian Effect is when "the more certain or real the mystical encounter seems, the less likely one is to believe that such is the product of subjective projection or transference." For example the more realistic the experience feels the more unrealistic it becomes. If something is so positive and its a feeling like its too good to be true then they tend to disregaurd what was actually true in the beginning. Chad was fighting in the war in Hamadan when he realized the secret behind religious visions. A holy man appeared as a form infront of Faqir and gave him advice by telling him not to waste the ammunition that was grately needed. He in turn was worshiped by the people when he returned to Baghdad.


Matter has many definitions, especially now that time has and is always progressing. With that being said the first definition has been changing and is evolving due to the many discoveries. And even to this day the new discoveries are changing the definition of "matter". People are understanding more and more due to discoveries being made and that in turn makes the definition more complicated. The people out there that still associate religion and science as two seperate entities are grasping the old, simple definition of the word "matter". If you look at how complicated the definition of "matter" is then imagine how complicated the conflict of religion and science are to be resloved. If people allow their minds to open to the complex definition of "matter" itself and not hold on to the simplistic definitionthen they can understand the complexity behind religion and science. If you understand that religion and science are very complex then you will come to see that they have alot in common.