Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Homosexuality seems like an on going problem in society. I myself see nothing wrong with homosexuality. The problem is that people use the word "GAY" or "FAG" as a bad word, people say this to others in a derogatory way. When you say words like that to others in a bad way then they are seen as bad people. As an example the word "bitch" is used in such a bad way that if you call someone this word its an insult, but in reality the definition is just mierly a female dog or a small animal like a fox. The word itself was made into a derogatory term and used in a bad fashion. If I am calling for my female dog and use that word everyone will look my way and think I am cussing at someone and the same goes for the words gay and fag. I have no idea why or how these terms in society became so volgure but they have and its makes the situation of a homosexual even harder to cope with in society.

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