Tuesday, July 10, 2012

In the magazine MYSTERIUM TREMENDUM (and in the film feature), it is argued that the reason many individuals have a problem with a purely scientific exploration in philosophy and religion is because of a misunderstanding of the term “matter.” Explain his argument and feel free to either support it with additional material or critique it.

People always seem to have a problem linking philosophy and religion due to a misunderstanding of the term "matter". Some religious people think that the term "matter" contradicts the bible and that in turn insults their religion. Religious people mainly feel that the term "matter", as defined makes them mierly a material. This links to the theory that we are all "beams of light".

 Even if we are all made of material or light we are all equal which makes people feel better knowing we all have a sense of equality.

Scientifically "matter" is defined as anything that occupies space and has mass. People consider matter and spirit opposite because not many people fully understand the true meaning of "matter". If we had a true meaning of "matter", a definition that doesn't change and is not out dated, then we would have a better understanding on the actual term.

An example is the film we watched on quantum thinking because it made me think of how we cant even define objects or things because we don't understand what they really are. We just make our own opinion on what these objects are but have no real definition formed.

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