Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Voodoo Voodoo

I have never believed in Voodoo personally, but then again I have experienced times where I would chant it and the desired affect would happen. Once when I was a young girl I sat at the bottom of my great aunts stairs and chanted with my cousins 'If Voodoo is real, something with come rolling down these stairs" and I promise you that 2 out of the 10 times we said that chant it happened! The first time was an old coca-cola can, my aunt collected coca-cold products that were antiques. The second time it was more like a thump and a sign fell, rolling down to the bottom of the stairs. It made us run and scream, we were young but it was rather scary knowing that voodoo could be true. After many years of thinking about Voodoo and how real it seemed, I came to realize that it is all in our minds.Voodoo is in our minds, we want to believe it is real so we allow it to be real in our minds. Anything could have fallen from my aunties stairs at any moment and it would happen quite frequently. There were times when thing came rolling down those old stairs and no one chanted or even thought about voodoo. Things can happen at anytime but we hype our minds to believe that it is real so we tend to believe it. To me voodoo gives people hope, like they can have control over something at that very moment and even if it happens just once then they believe it in their minds to the fullest. Because even those other 8 times that nothing happened after we all chanted voodoo we still believed it was real.

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