Thursday, July 19, 2012

Radiance without an Edge: Wisdom in 56 seconds

It is LIFE and not DEATH that is scary. That is exactly what this video relayed. No one can recal their birth, the time they became concious, it is impossible to recal that second that you were born. And believe it or not, death of consciousness is not something we experience either. It seems like everyone including myself is scared of death because its the unknown adn we have no idea what we are going to experience but according to this video there is nothing experienced at all. Im not too sure if I truely believe that, I have herd of people dieing and talking about the feeling they had and how they travel through a bright light at fast speeds. They all had the same answer as to how they felt and what they seen exactly. I myself believe we feel the death of conciousness, as for the birth of conciousness we have the answer and its we do not remember the feeling of being born, but death is totally different in my perspective.

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